Training: The Why, What & How of Money & Bitcoin (improved version)

Hi everyone,

We had the best live training of the year last Thursday on the 9th of November ‘23: The Why, What & How of Money & Bitcoin (improved version).

Wow, I mean, can you imagine having the ability to reach people from all over the world while sharing so much valuable information about the current financial system and how to potentially protect yourself from it?

Well, I do.. hahaha.
Because, quite literally, we were together with people from all over the world. We discussed the whole history of money and why we invented it in the first place. Also, what is money actually? Why do we have it and what is it supposed to do for us?

Since, without the answers to these questions, you can hardly tell why we ended up with the system we have today and how to safely predict where this is all going..

It’s time to educate yourself about money.
It’s time to get your head out of the ground and figure out yourself what we haven’t been taught in schools.

Make sure to watch this replay and, after it, to ask yourself the right questions so that you can slowly begin to understand what is happening and what you should do about it.

…I know 1 thing you should consider.

Consider joining our amazing community where we have these type of live sessions every other week and where we are enjoying amazing content and each others company through various channels to keep our emotions under control for it to be able to constantly make the right balanced decisions.

Hit me up an e-mail if you have questions:

00:00:00 – Introduction/warm welcome
00:03:57 – Start presentation: A long term debt cycle
00:08:04 – Why did we invent money?
00:15:00 – What is money?
00:31:00 – Why did these empires all fall?
01:06:15 – At the end of a long term debt cycle?
01:09:22 – Let’s look at gold
01:16:45 – Let’s look at Bitcoin
01:39:00 – Join our community!
01:40:00 – Group discussion!!



Every other week you will receive one tip how to grow your wealth and one thing we discovered about the global economy!

So what can you expect from us FOR FREE every other Saturday?

  • One tip how to grow your wealth in ever changing economic environments
  • One thing we discovered those weeks about the global economy
  • Guidance in creating your own personal financial (& life) vision
  • Written in a way everyone can understand it!

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    *Please note that for everything we create it’s important that you realize that it is no investment advice, it’s purely for educational purposes only.